Thursday, January 28, 2010

Smart and waterproof GPS for your motorcycle

here are not many dedicated motorcycle GPS’er, such as the Garmin Zumo 660 landed on the desk, there was no doubt that it deserved special attention. Therefore flew PC World sent to Stockholm in late October and bought a motorcycle, so the GPS could be tested by the well on the way home. Test trip went from central Stockholm and home to workplace in Valby with a few detours. A trip of nearly 640 kilometer.

Zumo 660 was mounted on a BMW R1100S with the supplied hardware, but without power supply, so the promised battery life was put on a realistic test, which did not go quite as expected.

Already after three hours began to complain of GPS ‘low battery’ and we had to go and keep lunch while lending an outlet so that power could give zūmo lithium-ion battery a little-needed electricity.

The flow will Zumo via mini-USB connector, which sits hidden behind the battery cover is likely to ensure that no water enters the GPS through the connector.

Keep the water out through many hours of constant rain is clearly an ordeal for such a motorcycle GPS.

On Garmin’s Danish site you can see many more details of the MC-GPS and the company’s many other navigation products. As a new zūmo has been built ‘lane-assistant’ that helps you choose the right exit in time. Moreover, Zumo 660 major road signs, such as how fast you may run.

If you are bored on the long runs, you can read a few books up, and you can connect MP3 Players or to lay their playlists into your GPS, just as you also can connect their mobile phone via Bluetooth and receive calls while driving with the touch of a button in either the speakers built into the helmet or a tick in the ear.

Behind a rubber flap conceals is partly a jack ørebøffer, and a slot for extra antenna.

Navigation wise, there are three options: Fastest route, shortest route or the direct line. The manual says that the GPS has an ‘off-road facility,’ and when it is connected, as plots zūmo a straight line to the destination.

I often drive off-road motorcycle and think exactly the message is something hogwash. Why would I want a straight line if there is a mountain or an industrial complex in the way?

It would be more useful if the GPS is assigned a real offroad route along dirt roads and trails and not just a direct line, as very few places are worth something. After all, few motorcycles that can fly.

Pretty cool, it is rather that when pressed on the MC icon, you get served in his current position in coordinates, the nearest address, nearest intersection and out in the right column are icons that with a pressure gives information about the nearest emergency department, police station, petrol station and roadside assistance. See, this kind can be used for anything

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sega emulator coming to iPhone

Apple should have given permission for a Sega Megadrive emulator is allowed to come into the App Store.

Thus, Apple further relax its requirements for what must be distributed via the App Store.

A Commodore 64 emulator already exists, and soon, it will also entertain themselves with a Mega Drive emulator, or Genesis, as the console was called in the U.S..

Sega emulator included with the game Space Harrier 2, but with the option to buy more games, among other Sonic the Hedgehog, Ecco the Dolphin and Golden Ax, tell Gizmodo.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Motorola ready with new wild Android mobile

Motorola has chosen to focus on Android in the middle of both their world and times of crisis. And they do apparently with full force, for they seem to come up with one interesting model after another at the moment. A new and advanced Android mobile has for now been born.

Recalls Droid
The new model goes by the name Motoroi, whatever that means. It reminds many ways for Motorola Droid, or Milestone, as the model name in these parts as much of Giblets and screen of 3.7 inches and a resolution of 480 x 854 pixels is the same. Likewise 2.0 also Android operating system in the new model.

10.9 millimeters thin and xenon flash
Motoroi However, no keyboard, and is only 10.9 millimeters thin. Nevertheless, there was however room for a camera of 8 megapixel on the back that has an autofocus and a real xenon flash. It is the first time we see it in an Android mobile.

To Europe later
Forecast model has only been announced for the South Korean market, so the model also has built-in mobile TV for T-DMB standard, and also have to make do with standard 3G. Once the model seems to be shortly be launched in the European market is mobile TV probably deleted and replaced with turbo 3G

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The newer iPhone expected in April 2010

Just three years from its inception Apple has so far produced 3 versions of Iphone but this might change this year if we are to believe the new information from South Korea.

The South Korean operator KT has for plans to introduce the next iPhone as early as April. According to an anonymous manager at KT, it should be no problem to sell the new iPhone in the first half. It writes The Korea Times. It is predicted that an early launch of the next iPhone due to pressure from both the Google mobile Nexus One and Android models in general, is by putting on the market.

iPhone 4G
The new model should be called the iPhone 4G and have a OLED screen, support for video chat and maybe even a removable battery. 4G in the next iPhone works just not realistic, since 4G networks are still very scarce virtually anywhere in the world. However, this does not of course from Apple call the iPhone 4G.

Only time will tell whether some or all of these details are true

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The most popular online stores in 2009

PriceRunner has now collected all the data for 2009 and can now reveal the most popular stores for years. These are the stores of the Danish consumers have chosen to visit the most in 2009.

When consumers visit PriceRunner and click on store information, reviews or link to the store saves PriceRunner this history. When we compare these data for the whole year, we can find the most popular stores. More than 900,000 unique users have visited PriceRunner during 2009 and thus cast their votes.

Category Catalog Rating out of 5
Most Popular Boutique Bib Wupti 4,4
Photo & Video Elgiganten 4,1
Sound & Picture Wupti 4,4
Home Appliances Whiteaway 4,6
Computer Getmore 4,4
House & Garden Nettorvet N / A
Play Coolshop 4,7

Assessments are from PriceRunners proprietary system where only consumers acting can judge. This ensure the validity and we eliminate cheating. Not all stores using this system so it could assess not stand alone.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Top 10 Business Smartphones

1. HTC Touch Pro2/Tilt 2

Til erhvervsmæssig brug, kan du ikke slå QWERTY thumbboards på HTC's flagskib WinMo telefoner. Og når det kommer til stykket, hvis du ikke kan trykke ud meningsfuldt diktatorisk e-mails på farten, vil din smartphone ikke være godt for meget erhvervsmæssig brug. Touch Pro2/Tilt 2 er stor og omfangsrig, men QWERTY bord er, at gode og højttalertelefonen er second to none. Føje til, at en stor skærm, Opera Mobile browser, og HTC's stadig større nytte Sense UI på toppen af den aldrende, men stadig er udbredt over Windows Mobile OS, og du har fået den ultimative smartphone for vej-krigere.

2. BlackBerry Bold 9.700

Bedste BlackBerry går, tak for en stor del af fleksibiliteten i GSM-netværk til at håndtere globale roaming og samtidig tale-og data. Plus, Tour (se # 3 nedenfor) mangler WiFi. Hvad med det? Jeg er en stor fan af T-Mobile's HotSpot @ Home UMA ringer funktion, så jeg vil give grønt lys til TMO version her.

3. BlackBerry Tour

Den moderne BlackBerry at CDMA brugerne har ventet længe på. Og det leveret på alle punkter undtagen, at hoved-kradsede beslutning om at udelade WiFi. Så stor som den er, ikke købe det - vent til Essex, som er mere eller mindre en rundtur med WiFi, og skal starte i handlen i begyndelsen af '10.

4. Motorola Droid

Mig personligt, jeg var så skuffet i Droid er svært QWERTY-bord, at jeg faldt ud af kærlighed med enheden temmelig hurtigt. Men det betyder ikke, det er ikke en himmelsk smartphone. Der er problemer med kvaliteten af skyderen mekanisme, blandt andre ting, men Droid er stadig den hurtigste og mest robuste Android enhed på markedet (for nu). Det betyder, at du får solid web-browsing og e-mail kapaciteter bakkes op af understøttelse af Exchange, sociale netværk integration og gratis navigation via Google Nav. Alt dette betyder, at mens jeg ville vælge en Droid Eris eller iPhone 3GS over Droid, Moto får nikker over disse enheder, når det kommer til erhvervsmæssig brug.

5. Apple iPhone 3GS/3G

iPhone er grund til en seriøs opgradering / revision i 2010, men det er stadig en hval af en mobil enhed. På trods af sin underholdning første, produktivitet sekunder natur, der er fanget Apples smartphone på året i virksomheden kredse, på grund af sin opgraderet understøttelse af Exchange, top-notch virtuelle QWERTY bord, og stadigt voksende App katalog. Den omstændighed, at ledere, som året for at være cool krævede, at deres it-medarbejdere begynde at støtte iPhone ikke har ondt Apples årsag, enten.

6. Palm Pre

Hvis der kun Pre havde leveret med pixi tastatur, kan det have placeret et par hak højere i denne liste. Jeg er højt på WebOS, og jeg håber på store ting fra Palm i 2010, når det kommer i berøring med flere luftfartsselskaber med raffineret og helt nye enheder. WebOS kan gøre det hele. It just needs some UI / feature finpudsninger og mere udvikler støtte til virkelig at have et skud på den store tid.

7. Nokia E72

Fuld åbenhed: Jeg har faktisk ikke brugt en E72. Men E71 var så fantastisk, og Symbian-brugere er så mange i deres numre, og så hardcore i deres tro, at jeg var nødt til at sætte E72 på listen. Jeg til sidst gav op på E71, fordi jeg bare ikke kunne behandle S60's gamle skole måder mere. Men jeg har aldrig mistet min kærlighed til enhedens elegante, slanke linjer, comfy QWERTY bord, og tysk luksus sedan-type bygge kvalitet. Fra hvad jeg hører, E72 er en værdig efterfølger, og dermed den får en plet på min liste.

8. LG Expo

Expo bare kom ud, og det er ikke helt så peppy som jeg troede det ville have løvemund processor lurer inde i det. Men det synes at være Windows Mobile 6.5 's skyld så meget som noget som helst. Når det er sagt, Expo er som en slags mini-Touch Pro2 - side skyder med en fuld touchscreen, QWERTY comfy bord, og specs til at brænde. Expo's optiske pegefeltet er alle, men ubrugelig, men skærmen er rart, og tastaturet er stor.

9. HTC Droid Eris / Hero

Min favorit Android-telefon i øjeblikket mangler den fysiske tastatur, som erhvervslivet brugere ofte har brug for, og "Me too" appel, som markedsførte iPhone foran det på min liste. Hvad så? Det er en fantastisk enhed. Droid Eris er slankere end enten version af Hero, som jeg gerne, men at ulåst GSM Hero har at Lokalbogen vinklet se til det. Ligegyldigt hvilken version, du vælger, får du integreret multitouch støtte ud af kassen - noget din Droid-toting vennerne vil ikke være i stand til at matche.

10 (uafgjort). Samsung Moment / Samsung Jack

Personligt er jeg foretrak den gamle Samsung Epix til den nye Samsung Jack. Men Jack er en solid, hvis ikke super-spændende, ud over Sammy's lange række af QWERTY-emballage WinMo enheder. Og masser af mennesker elsker dem en Samsung, der kører Windows Mobile. Moment lider af et tastatur med et ulige, ulige layout, men det er stadig det mest taktile-y glædeligt hårdt QWERTY skal findes på en Android-telefon overalt. Eller ej taktile-y er faktisk et ord, når du bruger din smartphone for erhvervslivet, fornemmelsen af tastaturet spørgsmål.